As we head into summer months and regarding other months of the year, I found clarification about how much sun in takes to make Vitamin D through our skin.
“In general, 5 to 10 minutes a day between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.with
minimal clothing is considered good.”
This advise works with qualifications. You can make ~2300 IU of Vitamin D if::
minimal clothing is considered good.”
This advise works with qualifications. You can make ~2300 IU of Vitamin D if::
A) 10 minutes Full Exposure Face Up (or Down) in bikini or boxers 45% exp.
B) You are Skin Type (ST) 2 with no previous sun exposure
C) Location is 42° N Lat Clear Skies August 13th +/- 2 days @ 12 Noon
D) Almost forgot. You are 20 years old.
ST 3′s can make ~1400 IU is same time frame. 17 min to 2300 IU
ST 4′s can make ~1000 IU is same time frame. 22 min to 2300 IU
ST 5′s can make ~600 IU is same time frame. 37 min to 2300 IU
ST 6′s can make ~400 IU is same time frame. 55 min to 2300 IU
Every 25% “Base Tan” reduces Vitamin D production 25%
Every 10 Years reduces Vitamin D production by 10%
Every Hour Before or After Noon reduces another 20%
B) You are Skin Type (ST) 2 with no previous sun exposure
C) Location is 42° N Lat Clear Skies August 13th +/- 2 days @ 12 Noon
D) Almost forgot. You are 20 years old.
ST 3′s can make ~1400 IU is same time frame. 17 min to 2300 IU
ST 4′s can make ~1000 IU is same time frame. 22 min to 2300 IU
ST 5′s can make ~600 IU is same time frame. 37 min to 2300 IU
ST 6′s can make ~400 IU is same time frame. 55 min to 2300 IU
Every 25% “Base Tan” reduces Vitamin D production 25%
Every 10 Years reduces Vitamin D production by 10%
Every Hour Before or After Noon reduces another 20%